Our Services

Distant Reiki
Experience a reiki session in the comfort of your own home. All that is required is that you allow yourself the space and time to receive the energy. Avoidance of disturbances is necessary. Contact will be made prior to, and following the session. There is no limit to how far the energy can be sent! Sensations similar to in-person sessions may be experienced. A good option for those who are experiencing sleep difficulties- have a session when ready for bed to aid a good night sleep!
30 minutes- £20
Crystal Healing
Experience a reiki session with the additional use of crystals. Crystals enhance the healing session by assisting with the balancing and re-alignment of energy. Crystals all have differing properties and will be intuitively selected for your session.
60 minutes- £30
Experience energy healing in a relaxing and supportive environment. A session is carried out as previously described, with measures taken to tailor the session to your individual needs to ensure that you have an enjoyable, comfortable and relaxing experience.
30 minutes- £20
60 minutes- £30