What is Reiki?

Reiki is a natural and safe holistic therapy which helps to create balance and harmony in our body, mind and soul. Founded in Japan in the early 1900's, Reiki translates to mean "universal life force energy"

All living things are formed from energy. By balancing the body's energy, reiki promotes our ability to self-heal and encourages complete wellbeing. Benefits of reiki can be experienced on all levels - mental, emotional, physical and spiritual.

What happens during a reiki session?

An initial consultation will be carried out prior to the first session. A reiki session then follows for the allocated time. During this time, you are encouraged to relax in a comfortable position whilst fully clothed. This may be lying down or in a seated position. To aid relaxation, gentle music will be played. Reiki energy is channelled through the practisioners hands, which are then guided over the body to where the energy is needed. The treatment can be given hands on or hands off, with hands off being equally effective.

Everyone's experiences of a reiki session will differ, as well as each individual session. listed below are common sensations which may be experienced during a session.

  • A sense of deep relaxation or you may even fall asleep.

  • The sensation of heat, coolness, pulsating or tingling throughout the body.

  • Signs of emotional release, such as laughing or crying.

  • A feeling of heaviness, lightness or a "floaty" sensation.

  • All are signs of the energy at work.

What are the benefits of Reiki?

Reiki promotes deep relaxation, helping to bring a sense of peace and wellbeing by eliminating stress within the body, whilst also helping to boost the body's energy levels. Benefits may be felt on any of the four levels of wellbeing:

Physical- Reduction in pain and inflammation. Aids recovery following medical procedures. Improved energy levels and can aid improvement in sleep patterns.

Emotional- More optimistic outlook on life and Improved ability to express and deal with emotions.

Mental- Clearer thinking. Improved self- esteem and self-confidence. Reduction in stress and anxiety.

Spiritual- Greater sense of inner peace, love and connection.

No promises can be made to cure but benefits can be experienced.

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